Good afternoon!
Just finish reading the latest 2 episodes of the Orange Marmalade on Webtoon.
Got a feel that it will be ending soon.

Smirk makes me think of Zico & Rapmon♡

Latest photo posted by Suga, he looks a Lil tired here.

Here's Namjoon's latest photo, he must have been traumatised, please be good and safe, Namjoonie. 😊

My fav poker face, hehe!

His bro Taewoo who looks so tired here.

I love to see him in hoodle!! He looks so cool and handsome here!! Aww! ♡♡♡
°•○● Line Break ●○•°

I need to get this, got a feel that the eczema is acting up soon, I'm so worried! I think I had too much dairy products, like Yoghurt, my fav, and I think I over consumed it this week, so it's getting itchy on my face. :(
Had some itchiness on my shoulders, maybe due to my frequent used of body scrub. I used it every other day, haha! Maybe that's too much for my skin to handle, will cut down on the usage. Hehe!
Hopefully I'll be ok ya, I don't wanna suffer again, it's so painful and the itchiness is unbearable, I rather give birth to triplets den having eczema to act up, seriously, and truthfully.
Alrighty, enough of ranting, bye bye!
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