Just woke up, and husband is still at home, he'll go out for work at 10am. He just fry up the minced meat and rice that's leftover yesterday.
I smelled it, but I still wanna snuggle in my bed. The flu is making me lethargic and sleepy, and my eyes and nose are in pain, because of the constant rubbing and there's abrasion. 😢 I need to buy the vacuum for bed, to clean those "monsters" off my bed, but the price of it can make me faint. Lols! 😅
I also have another cleaning machine that I wanted in my bucket list, a automatic vacuum. Those that cleans on its own. That sounds effective, but of cos once a week also must use the manual vacuum to clean the edges. Just that less job to be done. Sounds legit hor, but no money yet. Haha! 😄
I dreamt of my grandma just now. The dream is kinda scary actually. I dreamt that I burnt our stove top at home, and magically, the fire did not spread, but only that the stove has a big hole in the middle, and the AMC pot is still burning. 😕 and since it has a hole, we must change the whole thing, so at this moment, grandma appear, not angry, but initiate to pay for us the repair fee, and voila, that's the dream. Of cos still have little details, but nvm la, just a dream, and I can't remember. Haha! 😄 no need to explain in detail.
Anyway, husband went out to JB for dinner with his bosses and Co-workers, and he had a little drink, he is not drunk, but he say he feels like vomiting. To be honest, I married him is also because he hates to drink, and he don't even touch beer at all infront of me, and my parents and relatives. My uncle likes to tease him, tell him to drink, say alittle bit no harm, haha, my dad also like to ask him to drink, mischievous one, but husband always refuse. Haha! But his expensive bad habit is, smoking. 😅 admit la, when I know him, I smoke too, but since the incident 5 years ago, I quit, but he can't quit, he started smoking at the age of 12, and his mum is the "culprit" for leading him into smoking, haha! Ironically, his mum had already quitted smoking! 😅
Husband is still deciding whether wanna go back, in my opinion, no. The tickets are really damn expensive now, because we can't buy in advance, husband's cannot ask for off days in advance, so we always have to wait till the very last minute, which are always the most expensive period. 😧 That's the reason why we haven't go back to his hometown during CNY for the past 4 years.
Still deciding~ He said that day, why do I stay so faraway, zomg, laugh die me, I just reply him, who ask you come SG to work? Haha!! Like really ma, haha! 😂
It's gonna be 9am only, I am still sleepy, and nose is still congested. 😣 Kill me please. Hope me get well soon ah.
Bye bye! 안녕!!
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