
29 December, 2014


다시 안녕 친구 들~

I am a good boy ... Lols! Actually I am listening to this song sang by GD & Taeyang, hehe!! Damn addicted to this song, its so good.

Anyway, I am back again to post 2 icons which I just made, anyone can use it to produce their theme or whatever, just as always credit, that's all I asked for. LOLS!

정말 진심 미안해


Its Monday again, feeling blue? ㅋㅋㅋ

Well, actually I'm feeling a little blue, but that's okay, I'll be fine soon, hehe!

Many times, I regret what I did, and I regret what I've said to certain people. I even regret the way I treat people, like maybe after some times, I think that I am too harsh, or maybe too rude, and I feel bad for being like that to that person, but really, there's no turning back, what's done, cannot be undone, no point regretting, but I still feel very regretful. Not that the aftermath is horrible or terrible, but I just feel bad sometimes, and I couldn't shake it off for quite a while. 

I tell myself many times that I MUST change my bad temper and bad attitude, but often or not, I failed, miserably...

23 December, 2014

Creating Shooting star

I am here to update again ...

Actually I am trying to keep myself awake till my husband leave for work at 1am later.

His wound on his middle finger had gotten bigger, and i am so worry, the hole has become bigger and deeper, and more red, Like those raw beef. No joke, but maybe red than that. It's super gross, I can't look at it directly. Oh dear...

Apparently the medication spray is not working, but still thanks to his supervisor for buying that bottle of medication for husband, with his own money.

His lady boss, on the other hand, is totally making me speechless. 

Few days back, husband came home with angry aura, and he told me what happened, so here's the story, I'll cut it short.

So, my husband mispacked ONE packet of food for that particular order, and the lady boss tell my husband, you quickly TAKE CAB and deliver this pack of food to the customer, CAB FARE YOU PAY YOURSELFf!

End of story.

I know to other people, it didn't sound big deal, but my husband don't flare up ever at work, but this makes him boiling! 

The reason is, he started working way before the sun rises everyday, and knock off just before the sunsets, tell me how many hours was that, and he did that continuously for nearly a month, without off days, NO OT PAYOUT, slogged for his lady boss, and all he get is this kind of attitude from the boss? Another more ridiculous case, the next day, the boss treat them lunch, full stop.They worked more than 12 hrs a day, and all they get is A PACK OF LUNCH, although it's better than nothing, but well done boss! 

Come, I clap for you,

My dad always tells me, kind and softhearted people, will never be boss, well said, now i totally agree with it.

He'll have to start working at 2am till tomorrow's evening around 5pm, WITHOUT OT PAYOUT

They confirm bully them, because more than half of their workers are foreign workers, including my husband, hopefully the year end bonus comes early, so that my husband can QUIT

All I've typed here are the FACT

Being hardworking, doesn't makes sense now.

Anyways, actually I am here to share my newly made GIF image.

I've never seen a real shooting star, but I think it's something like that? Hehe!

Anyways, enough or ranting, time to go, good night!

18 December, 2014

Random update


I am back to update again, because I am bored again, husband cannot accompany me, he have to get his beauty sleep. LOLS!!

Nah, actually, he have to wake up at 0330 tomorrow morning, so he have to sleep early, if not he will fall asleep while at work, haha!! He woke up at 0330 this morning too. The boss is such a great person. *sarcasm*  ㅋㅋㅋ

Anyway, I'm so happy that I got my PS back, haha! I know I am very careless. LOLS!! Thank god!

Made this B/W Paisley Wallpaper with the awesome Paisley brushes that I found from Deviantart.

And then today I made another one, with newly added Paisley brushes. 

Added some colors to it, and make it more vibrant, I think I am satisfied with this! ㅋㅋㅋ

너무 좋아!

After I made that, I showed it to my sis, and she say she want the background, and she want her name on the wallpaper too, and so, I made her one, because I need something to occupy my mind,and here's the result!

Stitch is her all time favorite, and so I "secretly" added those cuties, she likes it, it has got the Paisley background, and her favorite stitch, and her Korean name. :D 

I am satisfied with this too, her name looks so cute in the wallpaper, plus the stitch totally is a spot on for cuteness! Right? hehehe!!

Anyways, I'm gonna make myself a similar wallpaper too, I think it really turns out good! I can't wait for my own wallpaper to be done, haha!! 

Till then, byebye!!


15 December, 2014


Totally stupid!

Photoshop CS5 software, gone.

Because of my carelessness.

Kill me please!!!! I just accidentally deleted the PS software, wtf. 

Totally stupid.

12 December, 2014

Random updates


I am finally blogging with my laptop.

After much considerations, I finally got the external wifi port. Cheap and really useful! ^^

Husband will not get his off day for the next few weeks, till Christmas. BAAAAAAAAAAAH~

That's a month without off days, plus no OT fee and whatsnot. WTF hor? Lols!

Anyways, I just want to type on my laptop, because I havent been doing that for almost a year. Lols!

I miss the typing noises that I made, hehe!

Most importantly, I finally can type freely in Korean without the hint from the soft keyboard popups, aint me clever? 

나는 영리한 인가? ㅋㅋ