
29 December, 2014


다시 안녕 친구 들~

I am a good boy ... Lols! Actually I am listening to this song sang by GD & Taeyang, hehe!! Damn addicted to this song, its so good.

Anyway, I am back again to post 2 icons which I just made, anyone can use it to produce their theme or whatever, just as always credit, that's all I asked for. LOLS!

정말 진심 미안해


Its Monday again, feeling blue? ㅋㅋㅋ

Well, actually I'm feeling a little blue, but that's okay, I'll be fine soon, hehe!

Many times, I regret what I did, and I regret what I've said to certain people. I even regret the way I treat people, like maybe after some times, I think that I am too harsh, or maybe too rude, and I feel bad for being like that to that person, but really, there's no turning back, what's done, cannot be undone, no point regretting, but I still feel very regretful. Not that the aftermath is horrible or terrible, but I just feel bad sometimes, and I couldn't shake it off for quite a while. 

I tell myself many times that I MUST change my bad temper and bad attitude, but often or not, I failed, miserably...

23 December, 2014

Creating Shooting star

I am here to update again ...

Actually I am trying to keep myself awake till my husband leave for work at 1am later.

His wound on his middle finger had gotten bigger, and i am so worry, the hole has become bigger and deeper, and more red, Like those raw beef. No joke, but maybe red than that. It's super gross, I can't look at it directly. Oh dear...

Apparently the medication spray is not working, but still thanks to his supervisor for buying that bottle of medication for husband, with his own money.

His lady boss, on the other hand, is totally making me speechless. 

Few days back, husband came home with angry aura, and he told me what happened, so here's the story, I'll cut it short.

So, my husband mispacked ONE packet of food for that particular order, and the lady boss tell my husband, you quickly TAKE CAB and deliver this pack of food to the customer, CAB FARE YOU PAY YOURSELFf!

End of story.

I know to other people, it didn't sound big deal, but my husband don't flare up ever at work, but this makes him boiling! 

The reason is, he started working way before the sun rises everyday, and knock off just before the sunsets, tell me how many hours was that, and he did that continuously for nearly a month, without off days, NO OT PAYOUT, slogged for his lady boss, and all he get is this kind of attitude from the boss? Another more ridiculous case, the next day, the boss treat them lunch, full stop.They worked more than 12 hrs a day, and all they get is A PACK OF LUNCH, although it's better than nothing, but well done boss! 

Come, I clap for you,

My dad always tells me, kind and softhearted people, will never be boss, well said, now i totally agree with it.

He'll have to start working at 2am till tomorrow's evening around 5pm, WITHOUT OT PAYOUT

They confirm bully them, because more than half of their workers are foreign workers, including my husband, hopefully the year end bonus comes early, so that my husband can QUIT

All I've typed here are the FACT

Being hardworking, doesn't makes sense now.

Anyways, actually I am here to share my newly made GIF image.

I've never seen a real shooting star, but I think it's something like that? Hehe!

Anyways, enough or ranting, time to go, good night!

18 December, 2014

Random update


I am back to update again, because I am bored again, husband cannot accompany me, he have to get his beauty sleep. LOLS!!

Nah, actually, he have to wake up at 0330 tomorrow morning, so he have to sleep early, if not he will fall asleep while at work, haha!! He woke up at 0330 this morning too. The boss is such a great person. *sarcasm*  ㅋㅋㅋ

Anyway, I'm so happy that I got my PS back, haha! I know I am very careless. LOLS!! Thank god!

Made this B/W Paisley Wallpaper with the awesome Paisley brushes that I found from Deviantart.

And then today I made another one, with newly added Paisley brushes. 

Added some colors to it, and make it more vibrant, I think I am satisfied with this! ㅋㅋㅋ

너무 좋아!

After I made that, I showed it to my sis, and she say she want the background, and she want her name on the wallpaper too, and so, I made her one, because I need something to occupy my mind,and here's the result!

Stitch is her all time favorite, and so I "secretly" added those cuties, she likes it, it has got the Paisley background, and her favorite stitch, and her Korean name. :D 

I am satisfied with this too, her name looks so cute in the wallpaper, plus the stitch totally is a spot on for cuteness! Right? hehehe!!

Anyways, I'm gonna make myself a similar wallpaper too, I think it really turns out good! I can't wait for my own wallpaper to be done, haha!! 

Till then, byebye!!


15 December, 2014


Totally stupid!

Photoshop CS5 software, gone.

Because of my carelessness.

Kill me please!!!! I just accidentally deleted the PS software, wtf. 

Totally stupid.

12 December, 2014

Random updates


I am finally blogging with my laptop.

After much considerations, I finally got the external wifi port. Cheap and really useful! ^^

Husband will not get his off day for the next few weeks, till Christmas. BAAAAAAAAAAAH~

That's a month without off days, plus no OT fee and whatsnot. WTF hor? Lols!

Anyways, I just want to type on my laptop, because I havent been doing that for almost a year. Lols!

I miss the typing noises that I made, hehe!

Most importantly, I finally can type freely in Korean without the hint from the soft keyboard popups, aint me clever? 

나는 영리한 인가? ㅋㅋ

01 October, 2014

10 월 1 일


나는 비 내일 합께 갈거야!


Will be going out tmr with my Bestie!

She'll be having her exam tmr, and I'm just tagging along because I don't wanna stay at home. No one is at home, so might as well I go outside and have fresh air. Although the test is gonna take quite awhile, but I think it's fine. 

If I don't take the time to accompany her now, I'm afraid after she starts working, we totally will have 0 time tgt to shop and eat. 

Today is already the first day of October, and 3 months later, I should have started working, hopefully I can work in a nice place with  decent salary, hahahaha! Just saying, wait till I get a job then say. Lols! 

Anyways, Friday will be another 신나 day! Meeting up with our little 여공생 지위! Wondering what will we be having for dinner, always I am excited for food!

Will update again! 

My personal handphone holder. ㅋㅋㅋ

그럼, 질지, 안녕!

05 September, 2014

9월 5일


어떻게 지내세요?



明天雖然只是九月六號,也不是農曆八月十五,不過,明天是星期六,Bestie家慶祝月餅節 aka 中秋節!對,沒錯,你沒有看錯,是中秋節。明天有火鍋吃,有朋友の陪伴,一定會是美好的晚上!

最近老想著 Dunkin Donut の Glazed Mochi, 明天就可以吃到啦!대박! 莫名的覺得好興奮,好開心!



我昨天做了吐司當我們の晚餐,老公沒有口福,因為做工,媽咪說不錯(我媽咪因為工作の關係,每天都在做吐司,可以算是家裡の吐司達人了),老爸因為已經吃飽了,所以沒有說好吃,只說還不錯,哈哈! 剛才在Youtube看了Nutella Toast, 看了好想做做看噢,教學者也說可以用果醬,不錯,可以考慮做看看喲!期待下星期老公の休息日,來讓我大展身手吧!嘻嘻!


我們全家最厲害煮の當然是我老公啦!哈哈!我對他の廚藝滿意度是90%,有時他自己搞砸了,就真的是不怎麼好吃,我最喜歡他做的Shepherd's Pie, Oven Baked Masala Chicken Kebab, 羅宋湯,黑雞湯,炖老母雞湯,etc... 他煮過太多太多了,我最喜歡的就這幾樣了,話說,我好久沒有喝到老公煮の湯了,還有我好想吃 Oven Baked Masala Chicken Kebab, 又辣又香,真是太誘人了!


안녕 친구!

04 September, 2014

9월 4일

아ㄴ영 친구! 

어떻게 지내세요?


對了, 沒說為甚麼。

義工說她看到我の外婆好像會突然睡著那樣, 說她有點昏昏沈沈の,所以就打電話來叫我們帶外婆起看醫生。

結果嘞,沒看時間,下午12點多,快要1點,哪來の診所吖~ 我暈@@




即使出門吧,我們邀約了,她未必要跟吖,那些三姑六婆就別再哪兒說三道四,說有的沒的,以為我們是聾子,以為我們聽不到嗎?還是你就是故意要讓我們聽到? 請問阿婆你知道什麼了,憑什麼批評我們了?真的是很討人厭耶! 嘖!






1 希望我外婆の身體健康,可以活到100歲
2 希望我の父母身體健康,可以活到200歲
3 希望我跟老公身體健康,可以活到100歲
4 希望親戚朋友の身體健康,可以活到100歲
5 希望有子女,他們也可以活到100歲
6 世界和平,大家工作順利!

18 August, 2014


친구야 안녕!


Anyway, husband came home at ard 5pm just now, and went out immediately, becos his boss is treating them for their overnight hard work in JB!

The attached photo is from my husband's boss! Totally surprised!  It's Creamy Seafood Pasta!! It's quite yummy actually! 😊 맛있다!👍


Hehe! Gtg!

Good night!!

사랑해 찬구!


15 August, 2014

금요일 아니요

Actually, I'm gonna talk about yesterday.

I had a little date with mu husband at Johor Bahru City Square again. 

This time we went into more shops, like H&M, and some other boutiques. :)

But before that, we of course have to go have our first meal.

We went to Dragon-I

Their wet tissue pakaging. 

The logos on their chopsticks are kinda nice.

The fried rice was served, we ordered salted fish fried rice, but we didnt find any salted fish.

Husband's drink came first, he ordered Lemongrass Tea, and I did not order any, because I truly had already stop drinkinganymore cold drinks. I just had warm plain water, hehe! 

Idk what is that veggie called in english, but literal translations are, four season beans with minced meat. This was actually quite nice! We need some greens on our every meals! :D

Sichuan Sour and Spicy Soup, my all time favorite! This one actually not so nice, no heat and no fragrance, but we still finished it up, so it's not very bad.

This will be my utmost favorite out of the rest, if it weren't so oily, plus, it has no heat, even though it looks like it is very spicy, husband even eat the dry chili, lols! He say it's not spicy at all, i believe, but i never eat those chilies. No guts, haha! The chickens are quite crunchy though. 

This meal costs us RM110, that's alil crazy, it's only 2 of us, lols!

We went to shop around and I bought pens from Popular and husband got himself a Salad Recipe book, it's for his job though, but I am more than willing to be his guinea pig. Hiak hiak!

Whose leg is that?

Zzang zzang! My second cap since a decade ago! ^^ 


See how shiny it is, hahaha! 

These are my pens and a highlighter. That pink pen is my favorite currently. 

I bought this from Sasa, and after my first use, which is last night, my skin become like sooo soft! Confirm not psychologically! Soft and smooth, hiak hiak! I wanted to buy this long ago, ever since i saw Bubzbeauty's vlog. 

It has no fragrance and no coloring, obviously, and it looks like rice water, haha! It's a lil sticky after the application, but i think that's the reason why I feels so hydrated, and on top of that, i applied Aloe Vera Gel from my Bestie, and she bought it from Taiwan's Nature Republic. That smells soooo nice! Although Aloe Gel is not the perfect moisturizing cream, but i really like the feeling when applying. Hehe!

When it's about time to go home, we head over to Dragon-i's other branch - i-Canto.

It's of course Cantonese cuisine, but I had their dessert, because I am seriously not hungry.

This is the one, it's like so sweet! Idk what this is called in English, but I googled 雪蛤, and the answer I got is, Chinese Forest Frog! WTF! I ate frog?! ~!@#$

Anyway, this post was delayed due to some connection issue.

13 August, 2014

편해 수요일

2014 년 8 월 15 일 


Channel 8 is showing 미나리(Minari, Water cress), previously they showed cockles. I don't remember when is the last time I had cockles, and laksa also.

Tomorrow will be husband's off day, like a finally! Will be going somewhere for our date! 

Somewhere that I've been looking forward to!

I'm wanna get myself a snapback, and have good food, and not forgetting 아버시's SD card.

Food is my life! 

뭐 먹지?

딤삼? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I watched the latest episode of Running Man, omg, I can understand why many peoply are so obsessed with them, I laughed alot! Lols! After that I did some studying, and I watched the latest episode of 大學生了沒, 廷廷 is still my favorite! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Now Channel 8 is showing 김 (Laver), I just learnt that today! I spent my whole afternoon studying 한국어, learnt alot, will continue to learn, hopefully I can really understand & remember what I've learnt. I normally only go through my notes once a week, because I'm lazy, and I don't want to give myself any stress, just fun learning, 히히

Finally it's my favorite show! 祖先保佑, 陳泓宇 so handsome! 

I just consumed another 2 packets (small one of cos) of Kit Kat. I regretted, but it's so good. Lols! 

Can't wait for the 18th!

Jay Park's new album!!! Wheeeee!!!

Alrighty, I gtg!


P/S: Below is a screenshot of my hammies! :)

12 August, 2014

우울한 화요일


Today's weather is so gloomy, but awesome for taking a nap, but i am really not a napping person.

어머니 comes home early, fried up those 구운 돼지, and cut up some 파파야!

I don't remember when is the last time i had papayas. Looking forward to it! 😋

어떤 과일을 제일 좋아하세요?


Today is the 3rd day, still alright, just that having very mild headache.

I'll be fine! 화이팅 화이팅!


저는 가야

안녕 친구!



11 August, 2014

월요일 블루스

안녕 하세요!


Just had my dinner, mum brought sushi home! Awesome dinner! Hiak hiak! Super duper full 😥 but very satisfied,  😄

Mum also brought back a peach collagen drink! Pretty yummy! Hehe!

Too bad tmr isn't husb's off day, have to postpone to Thurs! 😩 I'm seriously craving for 크레페.

Thurs quickly come please! 제발

Today is the 2nd day!! Weee!! So far so good! 화이팅 사아!



저는 가야합니다!

안녕 친구야😄



10 August, 2014


It's Sunday again!

As my parents are morning people, I'll have to wake up early too.

First stop is temple, once everything was done, we headed to Causeway Point for breakfast.

We had Mee Rebus at Toast Box, this outlet's AC always spoil! WTH! :/

After that we went for groceries shopping and headed home. :)


I ate so much today, I had Mee Rebus, coffee, milk, sunflower seed, rose apple, 9 chili prawns, 2 fish cakes, 1/4 plate of greens, a plate of rice, ice cream.

That's alot, omg. X . X


Tomorrow is Monday again! Looking forward? Lols! I'm kinda looking forward to the rest of the month! I 진짜 기고 that everything will go on smoothly for the rest of the year!

Please be safe and 대박! 감사합니다!


That's all!


08 August, 2014


My nails for the week, skulls print.


잘지내요, 감사합니다!

Well, I finally downloaded Blogger in my IPad, and this is my first post after so many months again. 

Hopefully i can be consistent about blogging, literally for myself. Lols! 

Anyways, today is my husband's birthday! Sadly he had to work, 😕

Did not manage to celebrate today, but will have a belated meal though, hiak hiak. 

My baby niece is learning how to cycle her tricycle! That's so cute! I wanna meet her again so badly, but than again, she stayed too far away from us, like about 7 hours of bus ride away, so far!!!

Time Check: 11PM

Stared blankly on TV for 2 mins, and i still dunoe what I am gonna type here. 

Oh ya! 

Yesterday was my gathering with besties after 3 months! Went to unnie's house and her omma cooked us dinner, it was seriously delicious! I like how the soup is so light but yet i like it. ^^ chit chat and craze for a little while, and the clock strike 2330, time to head home, happy moments just simply passed by way too fast! 

Cant time go a little slower? :(

저는 가야합니다, 안녕!  

21 January, 2014


Hey! I'm here again and i am at home blogging with my phone and my husband is sleeping.

Finally I've made an appointment with Aries, and it's tomorrow! Kinda excited! :D

Anyways, I think i need to make it a habit to drink 3 litres of water everyday! It's really hard for me because I don't like to drink plain water, yucks! But i'll try! :D

Mum bought bak kwa! Next week we are gonna purchase the red wine bak kwa, awesome! Wonder how it taste, curious.

Alright, I gtg! Byebye!

Signing off

Shiya aka 5hiy4♥

20 January, 2014



It's been so loooooong since I last updated!

Anyway, I am now at my Bestie's house, came here to dye my hair and to 蹭饭, hehe! Well, for the last almost a decade I've been doing that, haha! Awesome or what?

Well, she's doing her assignment, so here I am updating my blog because I do not want to interrupt her, :)

Alright, enough of that, I'll now start my update for the past few months???

1. We had a new nephew!! His name  is Carson Lee SH and he is a big baby! At a whooping 10KG at the age of 6 months plus. 

2. Husband's uncle passed away just few days ago.

3. During November, my parent-in-law came over to Singapore for 3 days, well, 3 days 2 night. 

4. I had my virgin train ride with my parent-in-law and husband from Kluang to Singapore.

5. My parents had their virgin train ride with me and their in-laws, after 21 years. (My first train ride was when I am 4 years old).

6. Changed my phone from Note 2 to Note 3 & addicted to Hay Day.

7. Becomes a nail polish hoarder unintentionally.

8. Bought Samsung Smart TV & I love it! <3

9. Addicted to 爸爸去哪儿 & cried my lungs out at their last episode. T_T

10. Learnt some Espanol :)

Just about it! :)

Hablas espanol? :DDD