
20 August, 2012

Koala march

Been quite obsessed with Koala March biscuits! The creamy chocolate is what I love the best!! Yummy! Bought the largest box I can find in the supermarket, and it is like super cheap and nice!

Previously I've bought a Koala March squishy from SabyArt, and I love it so much!! It's  so nice and squishy! ^^

The squishy's color is like so super vibrant, the ones that can be eaten looks so dull....

I wanna bite the squishy, like seriously.. 

I want a Koala March iphone case!! But, I've never seen it anywhere. =.=

Anyways, husband went to work at 11:15am just now, waiting for him to be back home at 5pm, and tomorrow is his off day! Yay-ness!

That's about it, take care, byebye!


11 August, 2012

Kimberly - 愛你

那時在從二姐家回來的途中, 在姐夫弟弟車上聽到這首歌, 一時覺得很好聽, 就在網上找了好幾天都找不到, 因為真的沒注意聽歌名, 不過今天終於讓我找到了!! 原來是她唱的! 本來不是很喜歡她的, 不過看久了, 有覺得她滿可愛的, 因為她有兔牙, 不是人人有兔牙都可愛的囉.. =B

我就認識一個可愛的, 不過不是很熟, 只是聊過天而已 =D

好啦, 不說了, 聽聽吧, 不錯的.

每個人的審美觀都不同的, 不喜歡我也不會幼稚的回應.
 我的確是成熟多了, 不過還是很愛鬧著玩, 哈哈!! =)

就這樣嘍! 掰掰!