
14 June, 2011

Thai fever!

I had goosebumps when the car bang onto the lady. T_T

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Don't wanna try
California King Bed

Click to listen, its really nice! =)
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That's all!

06 June, 2011


This is so adorable!

P/S: Photo taken from here - Picture.

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Am I that tired?

I slept through the night and woke up at 6am to go washroom, after that, I fell asleep at around 7am and wake up at 1pm! Although I slept at 12 midnight yesterday, I always do since 2 years ago, =.=

If you want me to sleep at 10pm, its like so difficult for me! I've tried, I will eventually wake up at 12 midnight, more worst, I might stay up the whole night. haha!

I only slept early when I'm in Sandakan, because we had to wake up early for breakfast as early as 6am, but hubby and me always wake up the last, at 7am. Everybody waits for us everyday, I kinda feel bad, but hubby says, there's no need to wake up that early, as my brother and sister in law needs to use the washroom, so even if we wake up early, we will still be the last. =.= Speechless.

Bored, mum's home! =)

Ordering Mac later!!! =))


04 June, 2011



最近迷上了林宇中的<優雅的分手>, 音律和很美, 很好聽, 蠻感人的...



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第三首是 - 范瑋琪的<最重要的決定>!

幸福沒有捷徑,只有經營,這句話說的真好... =)
真愛沒有輸贏, 只有親密... ♥

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來點節奏快的吧! <無所遁形> BY 羅志祥! =]

OH MY GOSH 愛你愛到無所遁形
OH MY SHOW 表態也算絕活
OH MY GIRL 難道要我走火如魔
OH MY LOVE 才能 看到 習舞 之人 的脈搏

P/S: 找不到MV...

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請你相信我只願為了你而活~ ♥!

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就這樣啦! 拜拜!